With the availability of more minimally invasive procedures, significant snoring relief can often be achieved in less time than it takes for a dental cleaning appointment, and with just as little pain and discomfort.

At Dr. Macdonald’s San Francisco Snoring, the Pillar® Procedure is the treatment most sought after by his patients for snoring relief and also relief of mild to moderate sleep apnea.

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Clinical studies of the Pillar® Procedure have shown that:

  • Patients experienced a significant decrease of snoring intensity. 1,2
  • Bed partner satisfaction with the reduction in snoring after the Pillar® procedure has been documented at 80% or higher. 1,2
  • Approximately 80% of patients demonstrated a reduction in their apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), and results were sustained at one year after the Pillar® procedure. 3
  • Patients experienced less daytime sleepiness and significant improvements in lifestyle after the Pillar® procedure. 4